Float Therapy



The remarkable experience in which one floats weightlessly on his or her back in a dense saline solution at body temperature. At Revival Float & Wellness we offer float suites that provide a zero-gravity environment void of external stimuli and full of potential.



Float Suites


The remarkable experience in which one floats weightlessly on his or her back in a dense saline solution at body temperature. At Revival Float & Wellness we offer float suites that provide a zero-gravity environment void of external stimuli and full of potential.


Sensory Deprivation Tank Inside View
Inside View Float Suite Spa
Inside View Float Suite Spa

What is flotation therapy?

They call it the “act of doing nothing” and yet this simple act produces some amazing results.

What is it?  Imagine you are weightless with no pressures on any part of your body.  You float. You float in 10 inches of warm water with 1000lbs of Epsom salts. There is no light and no sound.  You give yourself and your body a break from all outside stimuli (light, sound, and gravity) creating a pure state of “sensory relaxation”. Under these unique conditions your body has a chance to restore its natural powers of self-regulation.  While you simply lie back and float the sudden lack of stimulation to large areas of the nervous system triggers a spontaneous chain reaction throughout the body known as the parasympathetic response. Muscle tension, blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption all drop dramatically. The entire chemistry of the body changes. The parasympathetic response is the body’s natural mechanism for healing and regeneration. It can only occur during deep relaxation. Floating is the fastest, easiest, and most effective way of eliciting this response and enjoying its dramatic health benefits. Floating “resets” the body’s chemical and metabolic balance, strengthening its resistance to the effects of stress, illness or injury.


Just a few conditions known to be improved by floating:

  • Stress relief-mental and physical, peaceful relaxation
  • Muscular pain
  • Rheumatism
  • Chronic pain, sports injuries, speeds healing
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure (improves circulation and distribution of oxygen)
  • Migraine headache
  • Fertility
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Immune function
  • Pre-menstrual tension
  • Post-natal depression
  • Shifts brain waves from Beta to lower frequency Alpha, Theta and even Delta.; creates mental clarity, alertness; increases creativity, problem solving; heightens visualisation; deepens meditation; expands awareness, intensifies acuteness of all the senses, accelerates learning.

Energizes, rejuvenates and REVIVES!

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